Coup d'etat-Business as Usual in Dallas
Syria, 1949
Iran, 1953: TPAJAX-Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh removed.
Guatemala, 1954: President Jacobo Árbenz ousted.
Indonesia, 1958(attempted) Dr. Achmed Sukarno remains in power.
Congo, 1960: Patrice Lumumba was captured in late 1960 and murdered in January 1961.
Dominican Republic, 1961: Rafael Trujillo assassinated.
South Vietnam, 1963: Generals seized and killed Ngo Dinh Diem on Nov. 1, 1963
Dallas, Texas, 1963: President Kennedy Assassinated.
Brazil, 1964: President Joao Goulart would, pouted by Humberto Castello Branco.
Greece, 1967 Democracy dissolved- military dictatorship of George Papadopoulos.
Chile, 1973: Salvador Allende killed by CIA and General Augusto Pinochet.
Operation Ajax: Iran and the CIA Coup in 1953
1954, Guatemala - CIA & the United Fruit Company, Jacobo Arbenz
Congo: The Assassination of President Patrice Lumumba, Congo (1961)
South Vietnam 1963
Elm Street Dallas 1963
The Dominican Republic 1965
CIA Regime in Indonesia
Junta in Greece April 4,1967
Dateline: Chile, 1973